Unhealthy Behaviours


You may have been directed to this page as you would like to know more about identifying unhealthy behaviours you may have and what you can do to relieve those habits.

Unhealthy behaviours refers to habits that could be detrimental to your physical and mental wellbeing. This can be smoking, drinking, drug abuse and more.

If you would like to cut down or stop an unhealthy habit, you are welcome to look at the information below that we have provided to support you.




Stopping Smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing. Now more than ever, since the Covid-19 pandemic, smokers have a higher chance of severe complications if they get Covid-19. Therefore, we would strongly recommend you cut down and stop smoking. 

The statistics show that 7 in 10 smokers in Wales wish to stop smoking so why not be one of those people? Smokers are 4 times more likely to quit with 'Help Me Quit'.

If you would like help to do this, you can self refer to the 'Help Me Quit' smoking cessation service. You can self refer via their website which is linked or you can call 0800 085 2219.

By following the link, you will need to fill in some brief details and a member of the stop smoking team will call you back and offer you some support. They make it affordable for you. Treatment may include nicotine replacement or one-to-one/group support sessions which is free of charge. 

Weight Management

The health of our patients is extremely important to us, therefore we would like to help any way we can to improve your health. You may have been directed to this page as you would like to improve an unhealthy behaviour. 

Weight Management

There are many local services available to support you on your weight management or weight loss journey. This will provide you with lots of knowledge and the right tools to successfully manage your weight. 

You can self refer to the Aneurin Bevan Health Board using their online referral form which is linked below. It will ask you for your height, weight and a list of current medication. You can also self refer via telephone if this is better for you - 0300 303 4906.

However, if it is for a person under the age of 18, they will need to referred to 'Connect' Child and Young Person Weight Management Service. 

NHS Weight Loss App!

There is also a free NHS Better Health app that provides you with all the information you need to know with regards to making changes to your life in a healthy and achievable way. The app gives you healthy food choices, ables you to set goals in which you can burn more calories. 


Alcohol can be very detrimental to your health. Many people abuse alcohol in a way that becomes harmful or they are dependent on alcohol. It is advisable that men and women are not to drink more than 14 units a week and maintain a balanced lifestyle. 

Drinking more than 4 units a day (2 pints of beer or large glasses of wine) can double the risk of complications after surgery.

Reducing your alcohol intake improves the health of your liver which is extremely important for your body to heal after surgery.

If you are concerned about the amount you are drinking, there is an online screening test linked below that you can take to determine if you need to change your drinking habits. 

If you are concerned that you are drinking too much and would like support with this, please self refer to Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service (GDAS)

However, if you would like to remain annonymous, you can contact Alcoholics Annoymous on 0800 9177 650.


Long Term Conditions

Some of the unhealthy behaviours we have mentioned may cause a long term condition which can be damaging to your health.

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertention
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease - as follows
  1. Stroke
  2. Heart failure
  3. Ischaemic Heart Disease
  4. Atrial fibrillation