Dr Hurle is leaving
Dr Hurle would like to inform patients of Chapelwood that sadly she will be leaving at the end of March. Dr Hurle has enjoyed seeing patients in the surgery over the last 21 years and would like to wish you all the very best.
Dr. Rob Stafford Consultant in Adult & Paediatric Medicine - Strep A

Carers Rights Day

Carers Rights Day

Carers Course

Free Virtual Courses Wellbeing Courses
Your local EPP Cymru area are currently delivering the following courses across Gwent via Zoom:
- Living with Chronic Pain – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Living with Long Term Health Conditions – 1.5 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Living Well with Diabetes – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Cancer - ‘Thriving and Surviving’ – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Stance Diabetic Footcare - a single 1 hour and 30 mins session
- Introduction to Self-Management - a single 1 hour and 30 mins session
- Caring for Me and You- 2:00 hour session over 6 weeks
- Post Covid support dual sessions- 2:00 hour sessions twice in 1 week
- Post Covid Recovery- 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
Each six-week course is accompanied by an introductory session that gives an overview of Zoom & its functions, and also introduces the participants to the Tutors & the course they will be attending. The courses will be run in groups of up to ten participants, and aims to develop the fundamentals of self-management skills for people living with a range of health conditions and also for carers.
Participants will be led through a structured course by trained Tutors (the majority of which are Volunteers), who themselves have experience of making life changes as a result of a long term health condition.
- Our EPP Cymru courses help give participants the confidence to take responsibility for their own care, whilst also encouraging them to work in partnership with health and social care professionals.
- What makes EPP Cymru special is the sharing of skills and experience with people who have to deal with the same things as each other.
- NB: EPP courses do not provide any health condition or treatment information, nor does it look at specific health needs.
- All courses will be delivered virtually via Zoom, until further notice. If you would be interested in taking part in any of these courses, complete the Form on the next page and return to us via post or email.
EPP Enquiry / Referral / Booking Form
I would like to register for the following course(s): |
Living with Chronic Pain ☐ |
Living Well with Diabetes ☐ |
Stance Diabetic Footcare ☐ |
Living with Long Term Health Conditions ☐ |
Cancer – ‘Thriving and Surviving’ ☐ |
Introduction to Self-Management ☐ |
Carers Introductory Session ☐ |
Caring for Me and You ☐ |
5 Ways to Wellbeing ☐ |
Living Well with Mental Health ☐ |
Post COVID-19 Management ☐ |
Post COVID-19 Support ☐ |
Living with Fibromyalgia ☐ |
Name: Mr/ Mrs / Ms / Miss |
Address: |
Postcode: |
Landline and/or Mobile: |
Email Address: |
GP Surgery & area: |
About You |
Please state main health condition(s) |
Are you a Carer? |
Yes / No |
Where did you hear about EPP? |
Gender (please tick ü or highlight) |
Male |
Female |
Other |
Age (please tick ü or highlight) |
18-24 |
25-34 |
35-44 |
45-54 |
55-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Ethnicity (please tick ü or highlight) |
White |
Black |
Asian |
Chinese |
Mixed |
Other |
First Language (please tick ü or highlight) |
English |
Welsh |
Other |
Would you prefer the course to be delivered in: English / Welsh / Either |
GDPR Compliance I hereby give permission for the information I give to be held in a secure database while I am a Participant on an EPP course and that it will not be shared with ANY third party without my knowledge. Please tick ü |
☐ |
Participant Signature (typed signature is acceptable): |
Date: |
Covid-19 Autumn Booster FAQs
Who will receive a Covid-19 Autumn Booster Vaccination? |
The JCVI has recently provided its final advice on autumn boosters for COVID-19. They have continued to focus on individual risk and people caring for the vulnerable. We have plans in place to offer a COVID-19 autumn booster to the following adults in line with JCVI advice: • residents and staff working in care homes for older adults • frontline health and social care workers • all adults aged 50 years and over • persons aged 5 to 49 years in a clinical risk group, including pregnant women • persons aged 5 to 49 years who are household contacts of people with immunosuppression, as defined in the Green Book • persons aged 16 to 49 who are carers Further information is available at
If I am eligible for a Covid-19 Autumn Booster, when will I receive my vaccination? |
In line with National Guidance, the delivery of the Autumn Booster Programme will start at the beginning of September 2022. The programme ensures the most vulnerable in society are vaccinated first with older adult care homes being top of our list to receive their vaccinations.
All invites will then be based on priority group then interval. |
What benefits does an Autumn Booster offer? |
Before the pandemic, flu caused significant pressures on our NHS in winter. The pandemic has made us much more aware that vaccination saves lives and reduces hospitalisations. Vaccination may not stop you catching coronavirus or flu, but they make it far less likely that you will be severely ill or need hospitalisation if you do. |
How will I be invited for my Autumn Booster Vaccination? |
If you are eligible, you will be invited for your COVID-19 vaccination via letter, text or telephone call. Please ensure your contact details are up-to-date with your GP Practice. |
Where will I get my Autumn Booster Vaccination? |
You may be invited to one of our vaccination centres for your Autumn Booster, your local GP Practice, or Community Pharmacy. It is therefore important to check your invitation carefully before attending your appointment. |
Am I able to have my Covid-19 Autumn Booster Vaccination at the same time as my Annual Flu Vaccination? |
Following JCVI’s advice, co-administration of COVID-19 and flu vaccines should take place where possible. Where we are able to do this, we will. Last year, many healthcare workers and care home residents had their COVID-19 and flu vaccines at the same time. This co-administration was efficient for our NHS to deliver and gave patients more protection in one appointment, providing an increased level of convenience for individuals. Administration of the two vaccinations at one appointment may not always be possible due to supply of vaccines, or the venue you are invited to, in this case you will receive a separate appointment for each vaccination. Vaccines are not mandatory, so it will not be mandatory for individuals to have two vaccines in the same appointment, but if you are offered both we encourage you to choose to have both to increase your protection.
I am unable to make my appointment, what should I do? |
We know it is important people can access their vaccine appointment at a time and place which suits their personal circumstances and needs. We continue to ask people to prioritise appointments wherever possible, but we understand this is not always possible. If you are unable to make your appointment, please use the contact details at the top of your written invitation to arrange an alternative date. |
I'm currently unwell, or on antibiotics - can I still attend my booster appointment? |
Yes, you should still be able to receive your booster if you are unwell. However, if you are running a high temperature or are extremely unwell, please check with your GP or with a vaccinator on site before having your vaccination.
If you’ve recently tested positive for, or think you may have had Covid-19 and are over 18, you’ll need to wait 28 days before having your booster vaccination. Please contact the number on your invitation and request for a replacement appointment to be sent to you.
Children and young people under 18 who have been infected with Covid-19 will need to wait 12 weeks before receiving any Covid-19 vaccinations. If your child is in a group that is at greater risk of serious illness from Covid-19, they will need to wait 4 weeks after their positive test. Further information can be found on the Public Health Wales website.
I haven’t had a first dose vaccination, can I just walk in to a vaccination centre? |
Please visit our Getting Vaccinated page. |
I haven't yet received my second dose vaccination - can I just walk in to a vaccination centre? |
Please visit our Getting Vaccinated page. |
Which vaccine will I receive for my Booster dose? |
The vaccine you receive will be dependent on supply. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible for you to choose which vaccine you receive. |
Do you have any walk-in clinics that I can attend? |
Please visit our Getting Vaccinated page. |
I'm pregnant and need my first, second or booster vaccination. What do I do? |
Please visit our Getting Vaccinated page. If you are over 20 weeks pregnant, please walk to the front of the queue, make yourself known to staff and you will be fast-tracked as a priority. |
How do I get my COVID Pass? |
Please visit the Welsh Government website at Get your NHS COVID Pass | GOV.WALES for information on getting your COVID Pass. |
My vaccination status record is incorrect on my COVID Pass - what do I do? |
If your COVID Pass is not displaying proof of a vaccination that was issued by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, please contact our booking centre on0300 303 1373, who will be able to look at your record and confirm what record we hold. If you received your vaccinations in another Health Board area and this vaccination is not showing, you will need to contact that Health Board to get the vaccination added to your record. For information on COVID passes for those who are clinically vulnerable, please visit the Welsh Government website at NHS COVID Pass: help getting your pass | GOV.WALES. |
My personal details are incorrect on my COVID Pass - what do I do? |
Unfortunately, the Health Board is unable to amend your personal details on your COVID Pass. Please contact your GP Practice and ensure your information is up-to-date with them, as their system links with your NHS record. |
Hydref Covid-19
Cwestiynau Cyffredin Dos Atgyfnerthu’r Hydref Covid-19
Pwy fydd yn derbyn Brechiad Atgyfnerthu Covid-19 yn yr Hydref? |
Mae’r Cyd-bwyllgor ar Imiwneiddio a Brechu (JCVI) wedi darparu ei gyngor terfynol yn ddiweddar ar frechiadau atgyfnerthu’r hydref ar gyfer COVID-19. Maen nhw wedi parhau i ganolbwyntio ar unigolion sy’n wynebu risg a phobl sy’n gofalu am y rhai sy’n agored i niwed. Mae gennym gynlluniau ar waith i gynnig brechiad atgyfnerthu COVID-19 yr hydref i’r oedolion a ganlyn, yn unol â chyngor y JCVI: · preswylwyr a staff cartrefi gofal i bobl hŷn
Os ydw i’n gymwys i gael Brechiad Atgyfnerthu Covid-19 yr Hydref, pryd fydda’ i’n derbyn fy mrechiad? |
Yn unol â’r Canllawiau Cenedlaethol, bydd y gwaith o gyflenwi Rhaglen Frechu’r Hydref yn cychwyn ar ddechrau Medi 2022. Mae’r rhaglen yn sicrhau y caiff y bobl fwyaf bregus yn y gymdeithas eu brechu gyntaf, gyda chartrefi gofal i bobl hŷn ar ben ein rhestr o’r rheiny a fydd yn derbyn eu brechiadau.
Gwahoddir pawb wedyn yn ôl eu grŵp blaenoriaeth a’r cyfnod rhwng pob brechiad. |
Beth yw mantais cael Brechiad Atgyfnerthu yn yr hydref? |
Cyn y pandemig, roedd y ffliw yn rhoi pwysau sylweddol ar ein GIG yn ystod y gaeaf. Mae'r pandemig wedi ein gwneud yn llawer mwy ymwybodol bod brechu yn achub bywydau ac yn lleihau nifer y bobl sy'n mynd i'r ysbyty. Efallai na fydd brechu yn eich atal rhag dal coronafeirws na'r ffliw, ond mae’n ei gwneud yn llawer llai tebygol y byddwch yn ddifrifol wael neu fod angen i chi fynd i'r ysbyty o ganlyniad i hynny. |
Sut fydda’ i’n cael fy ngwahodd am fy Mrechiad Atgyfnerthu yn yr hydref? |
Os ydych yn gymwys, fe’ch gwahoddir am eich brechiad COVID-19 trwy lythyr, neges destun neu alwad ffôn. Sicrhewch fod gan eich Meddygfa eich manylion cysylltu diweddaraf. |
Yn lle fydda’ i’n cael fy Mrechiad Atgyfnerthu yn yr hydref? |
Efallai y cewch eich gwahodd i gael eich Brechiad Atgyfnerthu yn yr hydref yn un o’n canolfannau brechu, yn eich Meddygfa leol, neu mewn Fferyllfa Gymunedol. Mae’n bwysig felly eich bod yn gwirio eich gwahoddiad yn ofalus cyn mynychu eich apwyntiad. |
Ydw i’n gallu cael fy Mrechiad Atgyfnerthu Covid-19 yn yr hydref ar yr un pryd â fy Mrechiad Ffliw Blynyddol? |
Yn dilyn cyngor y JCVI dylid cyd-weinyddu’r brechlyn COVID-19 a’r brechlyn ffliw lle bo hynny'n bosib. Lle gallwn wneud hyn byddwn yn gwneud hynny. Y llynedd, cafodd llawer o weithwyr gofal iechyd a phreswylwyr cartrefi gofal eu brechlyn COVID-19 a’u brechlyn ffliw ar yr un pryd. Roedd gwneud hyn yn ffordd effeithlon i'n GIG ddarparu’r brechlynnau, gan roi mwy o amddiffyniad i gleifion mewn un apwyntiad, a bod yn fwy cyfleus i unigolion. Efallai na fydd gweinyddu’r ddau frechiad mewn un apwyntiad yn bosib ym mhob achos oherwydd y cyflenwad o frechiadau sydd ar gael, neu’r lleoliad y cewch eich gwahodd iddo. Yn yr achos hwn, byddwch yn derbyn apwyntiad ar wahân ar gyfer pob brechiad. Nid yw brechiadau’n orfodol, felly ni fydd yn orfodol i unigolion gael dau frechiad yn yr un apwyntiad. Ond os cynigir y ddau i chi, rydym yn eich annog i ddewis cael y ddau, er mwyn cael mwy o amddiffyniad.
Nid wyf yn gallu mynd i fy apwyntiad, beth ddylwn i ei wneud? |
Gwyddom ei bod yn bwysig bod pobl yn gallu mynd i'w hapwyntiad brechu ar adeg ac mewn lle sy'n gyfleus o ran eu hamgylchiadau a’u hanghenion. Rydym yn parhau i ofyn i bobl flaenoriaethu apwyntiadau lle bynnag y bo modd, ond rydym yn deall nad yw hyn bob amser yn bosib. Os nad ydych yn gallu mynd i’ch apwyntiad, defnyddiwch y manylion cysylltu ar ben eich gwahoddiad ysgrifenedig i drefnu dyddiad arall. |
’Dydw i ddim yn dda ar hyn o bryd, neu’n cymryd gwrthfiotigau - a fydda’ i’n dal i allu mynychu fy apwyntiad i gael brechiad? |
Byddwch, dylech fedru cael eich brechiad atgyfnerthu os ydych yn wael. Fodd bynnag, os oes gennych dymheredd uchel, neu eich bod yn wael iawn, gwiriwch hyn gyda’ch Meddyg Teulu, neu frechwr ar y safle, cyn cael eich brechiad.
Os ydych wedi profi’n bositif am Covid-19 yn ddiweddar, neu’n meddwl eich bod wedi ei gael, a’ch bod dros 18 oed, bydd angen i chi ddisgwyl am 28 diwrnod cyn cael eich brechiad atgyfnerthu. Cysylltwch â’r rhif ar eich gwahoddiad, a gofynnwch iddynt anfon apwyntiad arall i chi.
Bydd angen i blant a phobl ifanc o dan 18 sydd wedi cael haint Covid-19 ddisgwyl am 12 wythnos cyn derbyn unrhyw frechiadau Covid-19. Os yw eich plentyn mewn grŵp sydd mewn mwy o berygl o ddioddef salwch difrifol o ganlyniad i Covid-19, bydd angen iddo ddisgwyl am 4 wythnos ar ôl cael prawf cadarnhaol. Gellir cael rhagor o wybodaeth ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru.
Nid wyf wedi cael dos gyntaf o’r brechlyn, ydw i’n gallu cerdded i mewn i ganolfan frechu i gael un? |
Ewch i’n tudalen Cael eich Brechu. |
Nid wyf wedi cael fy ail ddos o’r brechlyn hyd yma – ydw i’n gallu cerdded i mewn i ganolfan frechu i gael un? |
Ewch i’n tudalen Cael eich Brechu. |
Pa frechlyn fydda’ i’n ei dderbyn fel dos atgyfnerthu? |
Bydd y brechlyn a dderbynnir gennych yn dibynnu ar y cyflenwad sydd ar gael. Yn anffodus, nid yw’n bosib i chi ddewis pa frechlyn y byddwch yn ei dderbyn. |
Oes gennych chi unrhyw glinig y gallaf gerdded i mewn iddo heb wahoddiad? |
Ewch i’n tudalen Cael eich Brechu. |
Rwy’n feichiog ac mae angen brechiad cyntaf, yr ail frechiad, neu’r brechiad atgyfnerthu arnaf. Beth ddylwn i ei wneud? |
Ewch i’n tudalen Cael eich Brechu. Os ydych yn fwy nag 20 wythnos yn feichiog, ewch i flaen y ciw, rhowch wybod i staff eich bod chi yno a chewch eich blaenoriaethu. |
Sut ydw i’n cael fy mhàs COVID? |
Ewch i wefan Llywodraeth Cymru, Cael eich Pas COVID GIG | LLYW.CYMRU, am wybodaeth ynghylch cael eich Pàs COVID. |
Mae fy nghofnod statws brechu yn anghywir ar fy Mhàs COVID- beth ddylwn i ei wneud? |
Os nad yw eich Pàs COVID yn dangos prawf o frechiad a roddwyd gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan, cysylltwch â’n canolfan drefnu ar 0300 303 1373, a fydd yn gallu gwirio yn ôl ein cofnodion. Os cawsoch eich brechiadau mewn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd arall ac nad yw'r brechiad hwn yn dangos ar eich cofnod, bydd angen i chi gysylltu â'r Bwrdd Iechyd hwnnw i ychwanegu'r brechiad at eich cofnod. I gael gwybodaeth am y Pàs COVID i'r rhai sy'n agored i niwed yn glinigol, ewch i wefan Llywodraeth Cymru yn Pàs COVID y GIG: help i gael eich pàs | LLYW.CYMRU. |
Mae fy manylion personol yn anghywir ar fy Mhàs COVID – beth ddylwn i ei wneud? |
Yn anffodus, nid yw’r Bwrdd Iechyd yn gallu newid eich manylion personol ar eich Pàs COVID. Cysylltwch â’ch Meddyg Teulu, a sicrhewch fod y wybodaeth sydd ganddyn nhw amdanoch yn gyfredol, gan fod eu system nhw’n cysylltu â’ch cofnod GIG. |


Please be aware that any Private Work would attract a fee and will take upto 3 weeks to generate. If you require further information please call the secretary after 11am and choose option 3.

Thriving & Surviving - Dealing with life after Cancer

Free Virtual Courses - Wellbeing Courses
Dealing With Life After Cancer
Free Virtual Courses Wellbeing Courses
Your local EPP Cymru area are currently delivering the following courses across Gwent via Zoom:
- Living with Chronic Pain – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Living with Long Term Health Conditions – 1.5 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Living Well with Diabetes – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Cancer - ‘Thriving and Surviving’ – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
- Stance Diabetic Footcare - a single 1 hour and 30 mins session
- Introduction to Self-Management - a single 1 hour and 30 mins session
- Caring for Me and You- 2:00 hour session over 6 weeks
- Post Covid support dual sessions- 2:00 hour sessions twice in 1 week
- Post Covid Recovery- 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
Each six-week course is accompanied by an introductory session that gives an overview of Zoom & its functions, and also introduces the participants to the Tutors & the course they will be attending. The courses will be run in groups of up to ten participants, and aims to develop the fundamentals of self-management skills for people living with a range of health conditions and also for carers.
Participants will be led through a structured course by trained Tutors (the majority of which are Volunteers), who themselves have experience of making life changes as a result of a long term health condition.
- Our EPP Cymru courses help give participants the confidence to take responsibility for their own care, whilst also encouraging them to work in partnership with health and social care professionals.
- What makes EPP Cymru special is the sharing of skills and experience with people who have to deal with the same things as each other.
- NB: EPP courses do not provide any health condition or treatment information, nor does it look at specific health needs.
- All courses will be delivered virtually via Zoom, until further notice. If you would be interested in taking part in any of these courses, complete the Form on the next page and return to us via post or email.
EPP Enquiry / Referral / Booking Form
I would like to register for the following course(s): |
Living with Chronic Pain ☐ |
Living Well with Diabetes ☐ |
Stance Diabetic Footcare ☐ |
Living with Long Term Health Conditions ☐ |
Cancer – ‘Thriving and Surviving’ ☐ |
Introduction to Self-Management ☐ |
Carers Introductory Session ☐ |
Caring for Me and You ☐ |
5 Ways to Wellbeing ☐ |
Living Well with Mental Health ☐ |
Post COVID-19 Management ☐ |
Post COVID-19 Support ☐ |
Name: Mr/ Mrs / Ms / Miss |
Address: |
Postcode: |
Landline and/or Mobile: |
Email Address: |
GP Surgery & area: |
About You |
Please state main health condition(s) |
Are you a Carer? |
Yes / No |
Where did you hear about EPP? |
Gender (please tick ü or highlight) |
Male |
Female |
Other |
Age (please tick ü or highlight) |
18-24 |
25-34 |
35-44 |
45-54 |
55-64 |
65-74 |
75+ |
Ethnicity (please tick ü or highlight) |
White |
Black |
Asian |
Chinese |
Mixed |
Other |
First Language (please tick ü or highlight) |
English |
Welsh |
Other |
Would you prefer the course to be delivered in: English / Welsh / Either |
GDPR Compliance I hereby give permission for the information I give to be held in a secure database while I am a Participant on an EPP course and that it will not be shared with ANY third party without my knowledge. Please tick ü |
☐ |
Participant Signature (typed signature is acceptable): |
Date: |

ICU Steps - Support Following Critical Care
19-04-2022_Alzheimers Society Cymru 19.04.22.pdf
💉 B12 Appointment's 💉 - 10/02/2022
Older Peoples Commissioner's Office
UPDATE - 26/11/2021

UPDATE - 27/08/21
MyDESMOND Diabetes Digital Resource
MyDESMOND is now available across Wales as a result of funding from the All Wales Diabetes Implementation group.
MyDESMOND is an interactive digital platform for people with type 2 diabetes designed to support and educate them to better self-manage their condition. MyDESMOND can be used as a standalone programme for those unable to attend virtual or face to face groups, or can aid self-management before, during and after attendance at group-based education sessions such as X-PERT or Diabetes Awareness session.
The NHS Wales collaborative website below contains the links for registration, including a ‘What’s in it for me’ short video, bilingual patient flyer & information for HCPs (I have also attached these documents to this email), which you can share with your colleagues. I have also added text and images which you are welcome to use within your websites/ Twitter pages.
NHS Wales health Collaborative website: Diabetes Implementation group
This is the direct YouTube link for the ‘What’s in it for me & login details’ animation also for you to share with your patients
Vasectomy - 06/08/2021
If you are thinking about having a vasectomy you can now refer yourself for this, you don’t need to be referred by your doctor. The first step is to ring 01495 765065. You will be placed on our waiting list and contacted when we have appointments available.
Vasectomy - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (
Missed vaccination's within school - 07/07/2021
Parent Talk Wales - UPDATE 30/06/2021
Think 111

Dementia Road Map Wales - 04/03/2021
Information from Gwent Police - 15/02/2021