Repeat Prescriptions
Patients can obtain repeat medication authorised by the doctor by completing a repeat slip. The request slip can be deposited in the mailbox which is sited in reception, when the surgery is closed there is a mailbox sited on the gate.
Alternatively you may order online by using the NHS Wales app directly from your phone. Once you have set up an account, you can book routine GP appointments online and order your repeat prescription.
You can also email us on to request a repeat prescription. Please clearly state your name, date of birth, address, medication required and strength of medication.
We do require 48 hours to process repeat prescriptions.
We will NOT issue prescriptions on the same day they are requested unless you have ran out of your repeat medication.
This also stands if you have been seen by a private consultant and require a prescription, we will need 48 hours notice.
No telephone requests will be accepted.

Acute Medication
If you require medication that is not on your repeat prescription this will need to be authorised by our practice pharmacist. You can request this by coming into the surgery and speaking to a receptionist. Please note that acute medication might not be re-authorised and may need a review by a GP or Nurse.
Excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, repeat prescriptions are available 48 hours after the request, from 15:00 Monday to Friday.
As a practice, we would prefer that you nominate a local pharmacy who can order and pick up your prescription on your behalf. This is in preparation for electronic prescribing that we are hoping will be available later this year.
If you require your prescription to be returned by post, please attach a pre-paid stamped addressed envelope to your repeat slip.
Ventolin and Salbutamol inhalers
In 2023, the Aneurin Bevan Health Board made the decision to take all Ventolin and Salbutamol inhalers off everybody's repeat prescription unless you have a long term condition such as COPD or are housebound.
If you require a prescription for one of these inhalers that is not on your repeat, you will need to come into the surgery to fill in a blue request form. You will need to fill this in every time you require the inhaler. The prescription should be ready to collect 48 hours later.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
If you require a prescription for your HRT, you will need to call the surgery and we will send you a HRT florey link to your mobile. This needs to be completed for us to issue the prescription. We will ask you for your blood pressure and the name of the item you require.
Please note that if you do not provide a BP reading, you will only be given a short supply.